Monday 16 December 2019

summer learning journey week 1: food that I would bring on a boat at sea #1

This is where I got my food photo from


  1. Talofa Bruno, I hope you are having a groovy day!

    Thank you for doing week one, day one, activity one! I really like how you’ve made a poster with an image on it - it makes it more eye-catching and effective! I can also see that you’ve attributed the image - fantastic work, keep it up!

    The food items you’ve listed sound delicious too and I like how you’ve explained why you would take those particular food items, instead of just listing them. I would definitely take Christmas mince pies too, they’re so yum! Are you going to have some over the Christmas period?

    Have you ever spent time in a canoe or kayak? Do you think you’d like to do a three-week ocean voyage?

    Keep up the awesome mahi! I look forward to reading more of your posts over the summer :)


  2. Hi ELiza thanks for commenting
    That cool that you like chirtmas mince pies to but I think I have eaten a bit two much of them.I have never been on a canoe or a kayak and I would hate going on a there week voygege becuse I get sea sick.
    Thanks for commenting

  3. Kia ora Bruno,

    That's totally okay, i'm really enjoying reading and commenting on all of these awesome posts! Aaah yea you have to be careful not to eat too much of one thing otherwise you get sick of it. I get sea sick too sometimes! It's not fun is it.

    Have a great evening,


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