Thursday 19 December 2019

summer learing jorney week 1: Batten Earhart Venn Diagram 4#

i got both of the photos from

1 comment:

  1. Mālō e lelei Bruno, I hope you’re having a fantastic day so far!

    Thank you for doing week one, day two, activity one! I really enjoyed this post as I didn’t know much about Jean Batten or Amelia Earhart and your post taught me a lot about both pilots. Ka pai on making an awesome venn diagram too, it is really clear and easy to read - had you made one before doing this activity?

    I can also see you’ve attributed the images you’ve used - well done, keep up the awesome work!

    Have you been on a plane before? If so, where did you go? Do you think you’d like to fly a plane if you had the chance to?

    Thanks for creating a fantastic post!
    Eliza :)


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